Vencido el lunes, vencida la semana

“No olvides que a la tierra le encanta
sentir tus pies desnudos
y los vientos anhelan jugar con tu cabello”
(Khalil Gibran)

Despacito…poco a poco… 
recolocando emociones, sentimientos, recuerdos

..con la fuerza del viento y  con la vuestra ...
 hacia delante

En este el penúltimo y fresquito lunes de agosto…una de mis canciones preferidas. Siempre me ha encantado la versión de Morrisey..pero ¿qué me dices de la de Zee Avi…es preciosa…así que ¡¡Sube los altavoces y canta!!!...son bonitas y..., ¡¡Son para ti !!. Cuéntame cuál te gusta más...

Fist of the gang to die
You have never been in love
Until you've seen the stars
Reflect in the reservoirs
And you have never been in love
Until you've seen the dawn rise
Behind the home for the blind
We are the pretty petty thieves
And you're standing on our street
Where Hector was the first of the gang
With a gun in his hand
And the first to do time
The first of the gang to die
Oh my
Hector was the first of the gang
With a gun in his hand
And the first to do time
The first of the gang to die
Oh my
You have never been in love
Until you've seen the sunlight thrown
Over smashed human bones
We are the pretty petty thieves
And you're standing on our street
Where Hector was the first of the gang
With a gun in his hand
And the first to do time
The first of the gang to die
Such a silly boy
Hector was the first of the gang
With a gun in his hand
And the bullet in his gullet
And the first lost lad to go
Under the sod
And he stole from the rich and the poor
And the not-very-rich and the very poor
And he stole all hearts away
He stole all hearts away
He stole all hearts away
He stole all hearts away