Vencido el lunes, vencida la semana


“En cualquier dirección que recorras el alma,
nunca tropezarás con sus límites"

“Lo que yo deseo, la fuerza que yo busco, no es aquella que te lleva a perder o a ganar. Tampoco quiero una muralla para repeler las fuerzas que lleguen del exterior. Lo que yo deseo es una fuerza que me permita ser capaz de recibir todo cuanto proceda del exterior y resistirlo. Fortaleza para resistir en silencio cosas como la injusticia, el infortunio, la tristeza, los equívocos, las incomprensiones".
Haruki Murakami

En este lunes hermoso, después de un finde disfrutón, no queda otra que escuchar una canción para despertarnos, recargar pilas y llenarnos de energía… Broken arrows de Aviccii  (¡¡GRACIAS RODRI, tenías razón!!)

¡¡Vamoooooooos!!...¡¡A vencer el lunes!!...
Broken arrows
You stripped your love down to the wire
Fire shy and cold alone outside
You stripped it right down to the wire
But I see you behind those tired eyes
Now as you wade through the shadows that live in your heart
You'll find the light that leads home (home, home)
Cause I see you for you and your beautiful scars
So take my hand, don't let go
Cause it's not too late, it's not too late
I, I see the hope in your heart
And sometimes you lose and sometimes you're shooting
Broken arrows in the dark
But I, I see the hope in your heart
I've seen the darkness in the light
The kind of blue that leaves you lost and blind
The only thing that's black and white
Is that you don't have to walk alone this time
We have to tear down the walls that live in your heart
To find someone you call home (home, home)
Now you see me for me and my beautiful scars
So take my hand, don't let go
Cause it's not too late, it's not too late
I, I see the hope in your heart
And sometimes you lose and sometimes you're shooting
Broken arrows in the dark
But I, I see the hope in your heart
It's not too late, it's not too late
I see the hope in your heart
Sometimes you're losing, sometimes shooting
Broken arrows in the dark